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the objections I have to approving it in its present shape; being compelled to return home immediately in consequences of the death of my infant child on this morning. unclear 29th Oct: On motion of Jos Daniel the resolution was laid on th table until the principal Chief should state his objections to the House. The Resolution respecting School Committee was there again reformed. Friday 31st. The following objections were recd from the Principal Chief to the Resolution passed by the Two House the present session, regulating the issuing of permits. unclear Lewis Ross Presdt Comm Head of Coosa CN Oct 1828 So I returned you in yesterday the resolution regulating the issuing of permits to and not being prepared, from the sudden manner in which I was called home, to state the objections, which influenced me in disapproving it, I will now give you a brief statement. In the first place I am inclined to believe that the that the tax required to be paid, the length of time that one should be compelled to take on permit for, & the condition of giving bond & security, would all go to operate with the felling of some of our people, so as to employ whitemen without permits, and hazard the risk of being returned to count & fined according to law. - You will see that their late resolution imposes no penalty for hiring without permit, & you will further see that the law imposing a penalty for such offence leaves not, then obvious, that a great many of our citizens would live without permits, & rather pay the Ten Dollars than to be forced in the sum prescribed in this resolution? In the second place, I am of opinion that the expense of removing the white people who may be introduced into this nation under permits should not altogether fall upon the nation or the sheriff; but the employer, or the obstinate white man should pay the necessary expence of removal. I consider this subject one of great importance, and that it is highly necessary we should guard against being overburdened with temporary citizens of this character. And at the same time, we should not suffer the improvement of the mechanical art, to languish through a contracted policy of legislation. There for I respectfully submit the subject for your reconsideration. Your servant, John Ross. The resolution was then taken up & read with the objections. On motion of Jos Daniel, the resolution was laid on the table to be read again on Monday next. Monday 3rd Nov: The house met agreeably to adjournment. - The resolution regulating the issuing of permits was takin up and read the Second time, with the objections thereto made by the principal Chief. David Vann moved that the resolution be so amended that the tax of five dollars for each permit be reduced to one dollar & in proportion for unclear a greater length of time. Jos Vann (Coosawattie) moved that the tax remain at what it is, for one year; and for 6 months, be $3, & for 3 months, $2, & that no permits be issued for a less term than 3 months.