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25 Listen! Your father asks none to go. More who stays he takes by the hand as one of his white children & insures to them, their families & property, the protection of the law & protection of the Unites States. Those who wish to make their choice to go & thinks it for his own happiness & the existence of his nation, to them their will give the means of removal, - hold them fast by the hand there as he has done here & insure them a continuation of his fatherly protection, and the annuities will be divided between those who go & those who stay in proportion to the number of each party. Friends & Brothers, Listen! - We say again - those who wish to go to the new country when there is plenty of game & where corn is plenty, can now say - Those who wish to become citizens of the United States, educate their children & enjoy a civilized life, here is their country. As free men, you have now to make your choice. Friends & Brothers, listen again! Those who make a choice to go to the Arkansas, go to a country that belongs to the United States & where none of the citizens of the United States has any claim to lands & where your Father the President can never by urged by his white children to ask their red brothers the Cherokees for any of the lands laid off at that place for them. Here it is different. A great part of the country was sold to his white brethren, to pay the debt occasioned by the revolutionary war before any right of hunting or possession was acknowledged in the Cherokees & this right of possession or hunting is the only right that has been guaranteed to the Cherokee nation here. Brothers, listen! The terms now offerred to you, hold out lasting security to the lands off on the Arkansas, & also to those who obtain reservations here.The choice is with yourselves. Speak freely, without fear - Your father the President will protect you.