From Newberry Transcribe
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Cases of deformity, -- or defect of muscular or bony conformation, are seldom met with. A crook-back, or spindle shank, can scarcely be found in the whole nation. They delight in acts of hardihood and activity,-- as will be particularly shown in any description of a Ball Play. Their capability of enduring an intense degree of cold is truly astonishing. I do not suppose this to be an hereditary constitutional quality, but a habit of body, induced by exposure from infancy to adult age. This cannot be more aptly illustrated than by the following anecdote, taken from Webster's United States. "A Scythian, who was without clothing, when the snow was falling, was asked by the king, whether he was not cold. The man replied by asking the King whether his face was cold? 'No' said the king. 'Neither am I cold' said the man,' for I am all face'."

Their diet during the summer months, and with many during all seasons of the year, consists principally of hommony,-- potatoes,-- and bread made of corn meal and beans.

Those who make much use of animal food, possess more muscular strength, momentarily, than those