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United States' agents. They found it was with their sanction. Macintosh added, that, if it were the desire of Major Ridge & Mr McCoy, he would himself attend the two houses, and address them in favor of a compliance with the views of the Commissioners. He averred that he was certain, if the Committee would fall in with his views, and say they despaired of being able any longer to hold out against the United States, the Principal Chief, old Path Killer, could readily be brought to yield, and so the business would be done. He concluded by attempting to dazzle them with a display of the vast advantages he had gained by former treaties, for himself and others, all knowledge of which was forever buried.

A secret meeting of the Committee was called early the next morning. This was on the 24th of October, 1823. The letter & the result of the interview were laid before them. It was resolved that the Committee and Council should be instantly convened, to meet in General Council, on special and important business. A request was sent to General Macintosh that he would meet the Committee