ought to sit calmly by and let a course be continued which must bring calamities upon us and make us appear very despicable to all the rest of the living world, as well as to posterity.
2. It may impress the truth better to begin by mentioning some very peculiar claims of this people to our respect. They are the most enlightened among the Indians. They have produced men of extraordinary diplomatic powers, as well as mighty warriors. They have also produced another Cadmus, who has created a syllabic alphabet, in which their language is written and printed. They have discarded the uncivilized modes of life and deport themselves and dress as we do. They are excellent farmers. They are nearly all Christians. They are thoroughly acquainted with all their own laws and with all the rights promised to be secured to them by us in our numerous treaties. They keep a keen watch upon their public men. But, above all, they are remarkable for their love of country. Nor Greece nor Rome nor any of the most enlightened nations of either ancient or modern times can exhibit, in their palmiest days, nobler instances of any self-sacrificing devotedness