1839. July 18. continued. the welfare of the Cherokee people, that this report is entirely destitute of truth; although it has been in a measure conformed by its having been reported that the force at the convention has been and is at that time daily increasing and that they intend to have in ser-vice at an early period, at least eight companies of mounted men. It will highly gratify the General to receive correct information on the subject by the bearer's return, together with a reply to his letter of the 17th. He adds in a postscript that if they deem public opinion worthy of their consideration, he begs leave to refer them to his communications to their body, particularly the one under date of the 10th instant.
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July 19. John Ross and the various officers at the Illinois Camp Gound in National Convention address Gen: Arbuckle at Fort Gibson.- They have, in a former communication, assured him that their undivided efforts were directed to the presser-vation of peace. They now beg leave to repeat the same sentiments and again to assure the General that the reports of their hostile in-tentions are, as he correctly anti-cipated, utterly destitute of truth, but, on a charge so grave, they deemed it due to themselves respectfully to demand the names of his in-formants.