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A keepsake from you would be precious. Our school here is abut to go into operation. Any school apparatus, globe, universal maps, or indeed any thing you might furnish through your instrumentality would be gratefully received. Holbrook's common school apparatus we have. I have mentioned frankly several things agreeable to your request, for you to make your own selection. And no Sir, do not feel as some Americans have felt in London, "that they were under obligation to do something, and that a wo would follow if they did not." If I have been too frank forgive me, and let it be remembered against me. Mission[aries] are smudged requested by their friends to be not smudged nbly what articles they need. This paper torn perhaps into an undue readiness to comp? with such requests. But where there is frankness in the inquiry I suppose there should be frankness in the reply - Mrs. Butler sends her best respects to you. Yours truly Elizur Butler