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grown from it. Your Brother's letter before mentioned I have learned nothing from. Bishop absented himself for a while, but I was informed afterwards returned and settled with the guard. Lately he fired at one of his neighbors, and missing him wounded the man's wife. An attempt to arrest him failed, and report says, a company of sixty armed men marched towards the famed? Spring Place for the purpose of arresting him. These were met by Bishop and twenty five or thirty armed men - lines were formed and at the instant of fireing, Bishop with his hat off presented his gun and gave himself up. This is the last I have heard respecting the affray - I have mentioned to Mr. Butrick your wish for information respecting the manner in which the High Priest communicated intelligence to the different towns. Since you were here we have had another daughter added to our family, and Mrs. Butler's time has been much occupied; but she intends furnishing you a copy of the letter you requested. My sons go to New York for the purpose of receiving an education, through the kind invitation, and benevolence, of some christian friends. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey - Office of the Mother's Magarine, Nassau Street is their Guardian. Should you meet with them you would have to overlook much in their rusticity? . The time they will be absent from me depends on their conduct, and the means which may be provided for their education. With regard to your serving? me: I hope kind Sir, you feel under no obligation to me, I feel it a duty and privilege to relieve the distress and do what I can for the unfortunate Cherokees, and for the preservation of their history. When your account of the Cherokees appears please send me a copy of it