50 600 ceremonies for keeping off any dangerous sickness such s fever. When any such sickness was generally feared, the town assembled & requested the seven counsellors or the priest, to make arrangements for preventing it. They accordingly notified the priest, by one of their number. They then selected a man to sing the yo wu, another to observe and undress him, appointed several men to hunt, seven to whip the houses, seven women to lead the dance, one musician, and some times two, & one to direct respectin.. the feast on the evening of the seventh day. The priest then commenced looking for herbs & roots requisite on the occasion. New fire was made (sometimes however in this case it was struck from a flint stone) the hearth cleaned and the fire made on the hearth with seven kinds of wood, viz. Black yew?, Locust, Post oak, Sycamore, Red bud, Plum and Red oak, thus the firewood kindled & kept burning with the lowest dry limbs, broken from the above trees. None must be taken from the ground A little before sunset all having assembled, the priest put on the white hat as in the case of smallpox, filled it with spring water and the herbs he had