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be permitted to cross, but on arriving at the other side they would be put in a house of fire and transfixed with large iron spikes, & thus tortured forever.

   Just before sun set, the priest offered sacrifice of meat, sprinkling on the fire Old Tobacco. The altar was made of flat rocks, and was about 2 1/2 feet high. Some times they had their altar of one rock, 2 1/2 feet high, flat on the top. 
   The priest made his fire for sacrifice as follows, viz. he put a dry stick on the altar, with a round shallow hole in the upper side. In this hole he put some golden rod. He then had a stick 2 or 3 feet long, the lower and of which exactly fitted, or filled the socket. This stick he whirled swiftly, till the weed in the socket caught fire. The wood he used for sacrifice was Black Jack and sycamore. This however must be free from rot & worms. 
  Beside preaching and offering sacrifice, the priests before the flood also foretold future events. They warned the people of the approaching flood, in case of their continued disobedience, but