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The priests had a white, as well as yellow dress. This though not put on at their consecration seems to be the dress in which they generally officiated. It was made of deer skin, chalked, or otherwise made as perfectly white as possible. The shirt came down about half way of thigh. The breeches, if we may call them so, were made as follows. They had two aprons, one behind & one before, fastened with a girdle above the hips, and coming down about half way to the knee. These were fastened together on each side, and the middle drawn up between their legs so as to as to answer all the purposes of short breeches. Their coats were long, coming nearly to their feet, having curiously wrought shoulder pieces on both shoulders of the high priests, and on one shoulder of the other priests, with bells on the wrists. Their belts were of the same white deer skin, with curious tassels at the ends, hanging down to the knees. Their legings, garters, mocasins etc all white. They had bells fastened to their garters. Their caps were of a conical form, and made as follows. The skin on the under side of the deers tail was taken off, and dressed with the hair on. This hair, perfectly white, was so fixed as to set close to the skin,