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to prepare a platform of long, large weeds, a suitable dress, and a sceptre. The dress consisted of a shirt, coming down to the hips, - breeches, or rather a petticoat, coming to the knees, - mocasins, like half boots, extending half way to the knee, and a cap made of otter skin, (setting probably close to the head) with a band of white leather round the bottom. In this band were stuck thick all round crane feathers, which extended above the cap crown so that the cap when on the head appeared perfectly white. White feathers also hung down the hind side of the cap, on the back. The sceptre was merely a staff painted white. His dress was all white. The above articles being prepared and brought to the council place. A great company went to the house of the candidate, - washed him all over clean, - put on his appropriate dress, & put a kind of white ointment or paint on his face. The plat form being brought near him & raised a short distance from the ground, supported by four men, he jumped on, & stood upright, and took the sceptre,