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when purifying themselves after having been defiled by the dead. Others on coming out of the water changed, & put on clean dry clothes. All must have clean clothes on returning to the council house. The priest then offered the sacrifice. This was a little after sunrise. Holding the end of the deers tongue & the seven kernels of new corn in his hand, standing west of the fire, with his face toward the east, he prayed that all the failings & impurities of the last year might be forgiven. He then placed the meat on the fire, and the corn near it, and sprinkled on old tobacco. The priests right hand man stood by him, and his seven counsellors behind him to observe the sacrifice. As many deaths as were to occur during the year, so many times, it is said, the meat & corn would pop. The priest then placed the U lu sa in an opening on the east side the council house. His right hand man and seven counsellors look on as before. The appearance of