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501 and 84 penciled at top of page then breakfast green four? danced till near night - eat again. Before eating - priest gave thanks for the new food, & prayed that it might be blest, & render them healthy. All ate at the same time, except those who fasted. Soon after dark all fell prostrate, while the priest prayed. They might then sleep till day light. At day break the seven counsellors called all to arise. Each of the seven called out those of his own clan to pray, and should any one mingle with another clan, he was called a fool. All held the palm of the hand toward the East, with the fingers up, while the priest prayed. Then all spit on the palm of the hand, put it on the breast, & rubbed it up over the face & forehead. Then all went to the stream, washed hands & face & drank a little of the water. Sometime ago the Cherokees had short guns, with brass barrels and dancing they rather ran than danced, & coming together fired off their guns - women & children would stop their ears.