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500 and 83 penciled at top of page Green fruit feast by order of the national council, etc. The man selected by the messenger to direct the feast, selects seven men to order and make arrangements for it, and determines the time i..e. the seventh day. Those seven counsellors then select 3 or 4 men to notify the people. These to every house & just say, "On such a day will be the feast of first fruits. An elderly man is then selected to sing, and is paid in beads, contributed at the time. He has four songs. Seven men were also appointed to hunt four or seven days, - wrap the tongue in old leaves etc. Seven other men are selected to take the meat, on the return of the hunters & divide it in the town to be cooked. - boiled with new corn, mush for the old men. Seven men & seven women, a man & woman of each clan appointed to fast. (The priest & his right hand man also fasted) on the evening of the fourth (or seventh) day, the hunters returned, - tongue for sacrifice, meat of that deer, & all the skins given to the priest. The meat of the buck given the priest, must not be eaten till the sacrifice had been offered. Night dancing - Next morning a sacrifice about off page o'clock