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women, still standing at a distance, giving them various instructions, etc. Among other things he directed them to take the new fire to their houses & feed it with sound wood of seven kinds of trees, vir, Hickory, Black oak, Red oak, Willow oak, Post oak, White oak, and Dogwood, (of which kinds, sound and dry, it was first kindled on the hearth for sacrifice) and to keep it burning with these kinds of wood four days, not suffering it to go out. After which time, they might burn whatever wood they pleased. This direction was strictly obeyed. But women, being in any of their uncleannesses, could not cook nor warm by the new fire, nor partake of the green fruit; but used their old fire and old fruit out in the woods, or in a tent for the purpose, till the time of their separation was ended. They then washed their flesh, - their clothes, - their utensils etc. (or laid them aside) and were permitted to partake of the green fruit & the benefits of the new fire. The uncleanness attending the common courses of women continued seven days: but that after childbirth, one moon, i.e. one month. Before the women retired with the new fire, they were directed when to return for the purpose of purifying themselves with the physic. (properly the water of purification) This was made of the roots of a small kind of willow. These were pounded, & put into two large pots, which were then filled with water. One of these