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Feasts _______ He then prayed to god (probably the moon) to take those beads on the rock, and put them round the sun's neck, so as to darken her face, that clouds might come from the mountains. He then shook a tarapin shell partly filled with pebbles. After this he prayed to the little men at the North, (that is little thunders) to send clouds and rain. He then requested those men (thunders) to fetch the rain to that very spot where the deer skin was spread, and where he sacrificed the meat, & tobacco. He then addressed the greater man, (thunder) in the west to come with great force, and bring forth his clouds and cause an abundance of rain. After all this, if no rain came, he called upon the woman in the east, who had given assurance that if others did not relieve them, in this particular, they must call upon her, and should surely hear, and grant them an abundance of rain, but without thunder. (My informant, an old man, told me he never knew this to fail bringing rain.) After concluding these ceremonies, the conjurer retired from the creek a short time, and then returned, always finding, it is said, on his return, that the stream had risen, in token of rain, so as to move the beads and feathers on the rock.