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Names ______ High priest U ku--------Uku. His right had man. (the one who fanned him -------- U lo tu. His seven counsellors - Ti nu li no he ski. His messenger. -------- A tsi nu sti. The woman who warmed water to wash him -----A ke yo gu sta. His speaker. - Ti ku no tsu li ski. _________________________ The priest who superintended the building of hot houses was called - Osu ta hi hi A priest who had killed an enemy in the past - Nu no hi ta hi. War priest - U ti hi su ti. Captain of the host. A ska yu gu ste qua. Lower officer - A ski yu gu sta. War speaker. Ska, li lo ski. A certain war officer Wa hi u gu. The priest who carried the ark, holy fire to the war. A tsi lu ti, ye gi. (It was said he would follow the enemy as well in the night as in the day.) The above priest's right hand man was called Ko lu nu. These two were the only persons allowed to touch the ark.