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Provision, having been put away for the U ku & his attendants, was brought by his speaker just before sunset. After eating he was carried home before dark, in the same manner that he was brought in the morning - was undressed & his common robes put on. The same ceremonies were performed every day of the feast, except the U ku was not washed after the first time. On the fourth or last day of the feast, after dancing, being on his seat, a little previous to his being carried home, the U ku was consecrated anew, by his right hand man, as at first, and thus invested anew with all sacerdotal and kingly authority. Although now, as well as at his first consecration, he wore his yellow dress, yet whenever he sat on the white seat in the council house, attending to his ordinary official duties, he as well as his right hand man, wore white dress. The U ku was the minister of God in a very special manner, to execute his will. (Three white seats - the middle one was occupied by the U ku & his right hand man; and those on the right & left, by his speaker and seven counsellors, four on each seat.) T. Smith