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right hand man, - his seven counsellors, - his speaker, - his musicians, - & the man who carried, all kept a vigil in silence, while the people generally spent the night in dancing in the council house. The next morning (a circle round the yard, having been swept, & prepared, & all things being ready) the U ku was taken from his seat, carried to the circle, and placed on his feet. [check mark]] He then commenced his dance. This was a slow step, moving in the circle, looking to the right & left on the spectators, and bowing to them as he passed. They also in return bowed to him. His musician went on his left hand, and the one who fanned him, on the same side. Though a little forward to fan him as occasion required. His right hand man, seven counsellors, speaker, and the other priests, all followed in single file, imitating the step of the U ku. After dancing round once, the U ku was taken to his seat. His eleven immediate attendants kept near him, but all the other priests stood at some distance, and no woman was allowed to come to, or within the circle where the U ku danced. Sometime after noon, the master of the feast had the tables spread and the people seated, when the U ku, by his speaker, directed them to eat. Then all commenced the same moment.