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346 penciled at top of page. As before, page is bisected longitudinally. Indian text In travelling through the dreadful wilderness of antiquity, one tribe took the lead, and all the tribes marched separately, & had separate encampments. Also each clan kept distinct, without intermingling with the other clans of the same tribe. The clans were distinguished by having feathers of different colours fastened to the rim of their ears. Each clan was composed of the descendants of one family, and being blood connexions were forbidden to inter marry with those of the same clan. Each clan camped by itself. Shield Eater, or T. Smith _____________________ The world was created at that time of the year when the great newmoon (first autumnal newmoon) first makes its appearance. yu wi yo ka Tarapin head. ____________________ About the time of the first newmoon in the spring, trees bloom and the fruits of the earth begin to come forward, therefore that new moon begins ____________________ Jews text During this journey in the wilderness, the Israelites were divided into four grand divisions, three tribes to a division. Each of the large family associations (or clans) likewise, of which the different tribes were composed, had a separate standard, - and every Hebrew was obliged to number himself with his particular division and follow his appropriate standard. This, perhaps, was originally merely a pole or spear, to the end of which a bunch of leaves was fastened, or something of the kind. This standard for the clans was called, oth. John;s Archaeology. p 349 _____________________ The civil year commenced on the fifteenth of our September, because it was an old tradition that the world was created at that time. John's Archaeology ______________________ The ecclesiastical or sacred year began in March, or on the day of Nisan, because at that time they departed out of Egypt. From that month