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342 penciled at top. As before, page is bisected longitudinally Indian side Among the Indians Poisoners are persons who by means of a certain combination of ingredients, can bewitch, or kill people at a distance. Thus, by killing poison carriers they mean the same that we do by killing witches, according to the testimony of all Indian Antiquarians __________________ The Cherokees used to have four towns of refuge to which the man slayer might flee from the revenger of blood. And not only so, but the residence, or door yard of any priest was also a refuge equally safe. T. Smith, or Shield eater, __________________ Among the Creeks the nearest relative closes the eyes of the deceased. The mother closes the eyes of unmarried children, husbands close the eyes of their wives, & wives of their husbands. yu wi yo ka __________________ The Creeks wash the corpse all over with a purifying water. yuwi yo ka

Jews side What we render a witch, according to our modern notions of witchcraft (Exod. 22:18) Phils and Josephus understand of a poisoner, or one who attempted by secret or unlawful drugs, or philtra, to take away the senses or the lives of man. Note. josephus Vol. 1. P. 139 ____________________ "Maimonidies assures us from the traditions of the fathers, that all the forty eight cities appointed for the habitation of the priests and Levites were cities of refuge; and that the only difference between them was, that the six cities appointed by law, were obliged to receive and lodge gratis, all who should fly to them" Brown's Antiquities ____________________ When about to expire the nearest relation closed his eyes, and kissed him. Brown. vol. 2. P. 343. ____________________ The jews washed the corps all over before burying it, sometimes in a warm infusion of camomile flowers, and dried roses. See Hovne, vol. 3. P. 496. and Brown vol 2. P. 344