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330 penciled at top of page - also 34 meat, took the seven white goards, and dipped some of the water out of the pot, and handed to the people, each one gave his goard to a head man in his own clan, among whom it was circulated, and all drank of it, and gave to their children, and also rubbed their own and the childrens breasts with it. In this ceremony they used seven goards, which they had white washed, but different from those with which they filled the pot in the morning. During the afternoon each person could taste this drink at pleasure. On this day every living soul fasted till afternoon. Then after taking some of the above drink infants might receive some nourishment, but all others must fast till just before sunset. When the sun was about two hours high, the priest's right hand man directed all to repair to the water, and while they stood on the bank, the priest prayed for them, and then ordered them to wash. The men turned a little up stream, and the women and children down, and all waded in, and standing with the face toward the east, plunged entirely under water. Then turning quickly to the west, plunged again in the same manner and then the east, etc. till they had plunged seven times. It is said that God directed them to do this, and not to wipe the water from their faces till they had plunged seven times. Some went into the water with old clothes on, and while in, let them swim away, thus taking all impurities with them; and on coming out of the water , put on clean cloths prepared for the purpose, others kept on their clothes, and on coming out of the water took them off, and put on such as were clean and dry, so that on returning to the council house, all had clean apparel. On leaving the water the priest and his right hand man walked behind. On arriving at the council house all took their seat in silence, in and about the house, which the priest