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These counsellors then dispatched their messenger through the nation, to give notice of the time of the unclear feast.They also directed the hunters in the principal town to provide meat for the occasion, and selected men and women to cook, over the feast unclear. The hunters were directed to kill deer, turkeys, and any other creatures proper for food, and preserve the meat and bring it forward at the time and to the place appointed for the feast. One buck, however, the hunters dressed whole; i.e. took off the skin, and took out the entrails, leaving the head whole, and the liver, unclearand heart in the body. The feet only were cut off. This being put up in a safe place, notice was given to the priest who sent his right hand man to take it to the place appointed. The skin from this buck, together with a doe and fawn skin, the hunters dressed white, and deliver to the priest. On the evening the new moon was to appear, all, from every quarter assembled, The hunters brought in their meat and deposited it in the storehouse at the west side of the council house. Such Indians as had been out on hunting excursions with their families, or alone during the winter now came in, and stored away this meat & skins till crossed out after the crossed out furnishing what should be needed for the feast, and also for the "use" of the priest. The people generally brought other kinds of provisions for the feast, and deposited, them in the storehouse. The unclear of this night, the women devoted to a religious dance, the latter part, all might repose in sleep. Early the next morning the whole assembly gathered at the council house. The buck, doe and fawn skins above mentioned were then brought by the priests right hand man, and spread near the fire in the centre of the house, with the head towards the fire, the same person then took first blood of a fowl, or of some other creature, and with a little unclear