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53 set, the victuals was called for, and all ate as of the day before.

   The third day passed as the second, in all respects. But the fourth was like the first. The yo wa was sung three times, the ceremony of whipping the houses repeated, and the meat distributed. All fasted as on the first day, bathed, by plunging seven times, as on the first day. The sacrifice was offered and the oracle M lu sa ta consulted as before.  The priest, however, and his right hand man could not eat till late at night, nor the seven counssellors, and the seven women till after dark.
   Thus these last mentioned persons viz, the priest, his right hand man, seven counsellors & seven women, fasted ten days  successively, eating only once in twenty four hours, and the yo wa ti ka no gi sti fasted four days, and all the people, men women and children fasted two days & spent two whole nights, viz the first and the fourth in entire wakefulness. All put off their dirty? garments, either in the water, or before going in, or on coming out, so that all appeared in clan apparel. All also, at two different times plunged entirely several times. That is, fourteen times in all. On the fourth night all must keep entirely awake. None must sleep or eat, except as they ate lightly at supper. The women cleaned all night.
  On the next morning sacrifice was offered again, and the people retired, free as they supposed from all pollution
                                                                                                                                                                       Corn Tassel,
                                                                                                                                                                       Nu tsa wi,
                                                                                                                                                                        Tarapin Terrapin head,
                                                                                                                                                                        Three Killer,

Immediately after this feast the Cherokees were purer than at any other time.

                                                                                                                                                   Citation:          Corn Tassel,

On retiring from this feast on the morning of the fifth day perfect order was observed. The priest and his right hand man walked out first then the man who sung the yo wa, then the seven