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50 returning to the council house. On having the water the priest and his right hand man walked behind.

  On arriving at the council house all took their seats in silence, while the priest prepared for offering the sacrifice
  Having coals placed word scratched out one side of the pot on the altar. he stood west of the fire, with his face towards it, & of course toward the east. His right hand man stood by his side, and his seven counsellors back of them. He then held out the deer tongue, between the thumb & finger of his right hand, and prayed. He then put the deer tongue on the coals, and sprinkled on old tobacco. His right hand man and seven counsellors united with him in watching the meat. As many times as the meat popped, so many deaths would occur during the year. In case there was to be much sickness among the people, the smoke of the sacrifice would form a bluish cloud over the fire, and not rise directly; otherwise it would arise directly towards heaven. 
   He also consulted his unclear in modern times as follows. The hunters when they returned gave him the skin of a buck, a doe, & a fawn. These he spread west of the fire, with the heads towards the fire & the east, having the flesh side up. He then took a little bunch of weeds, and dipped it in fresh blood, either of a deer, or fowls, and drew a streak of blood on the skins from the tail to the head. On this streak of blood on the buck skin he set his diamond, or Ul lu sa ta, in the middle of the skin, and also seven strands of beads, one for each clan. Now when they came to examine this stone, if it was to be sickly, it would assume a smoky bluish appearance, but if not it would exhibit a bright dazzling light, without smoke.
  The priest also inquired by the beads. For one clan he took the string of beads from the buck skin which represented that clan, and held it in his right hand, considering it an active agent manifesting by certain motions, indications of sickness or health to that clan. Thus he proceeded to enquire with the seven strands of beads.