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green fruit had arrived to perfection, the kernels and the ears being perfectly filled, & some beginning to turn hard the seven counsellors assembled again held an all night dance and appointed the Lu na ko hu ni or great feast or dance of green fruits. This appointment was generally made about twenty nights previous to the dance. The councellors again dispatched their messenger through the country to give general information. They also made appointments so that everything to be attended to by men and women should be done in time & in due order. God had commanded that the whole nation should meet at this feast, and had ordered them to get green boughs and hold over their heads for a shade, and also to prepare a shade of green boughs in the yard where they assembled, to remind them that such shades were prepared for them above.

Therefore they prepared a large booth in the midst of the council house yard, furnished with seats. They also cut a branchy, bushy topa? tree and digging a hole in the yard,

set it firmly in the ground. They then got green boughs from the woods to hold over their heads as they danced.

The dance peculiar to that feast was performed by the men alone.
  Being assembled in the yard, all things having been prepared, they stood around the tree they had planted, each holding his bough over his head, with the right hand. At

length the leader of the dance struck the music and commenced the exercise, followed by all the company. The object in this dance seems to have been to express in every possible manner and degree, the feelings of joy and rejoicing. They ran and jumped, and sang as they ran; and though in apparent disorder, yet they acted by rule, following the steps of their leader. During the dance on each day the leader brought the whole company seven times under the shade of the tree planted in the yard.

 Citation:  Tarapin head   yo wi yo ka   Three Killer
 At the above feast, since they have had guns there have sometimes been fired by them while dancing, when the women & children would stop their ears. At this feast also

I ta gu sta danced on a platform supported by men he wore a red cap, white coat, legings & mocasins, though the sleeves of his coat were of otter skin with the hair on.

[[Citation:]  Three Killer