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old war priest train up seven (mountain) (look at the ? &c.) The young men go afterwards to him for instruction when he would fast with them and seting with them all night - teach them the rules of war &c. &c. __ sometimes, on enquiring whether they should go to war to a certain country would send the stone if it returns to cloudy they must go that course. -

Learned from the shawnees.  for sacrifice the breast of the deer cut in seven pieces, meat on it. this burned? -  Hunters sacrifice the melt? - meat? of the deer.

Dream of seeing a person going toward, the west, soon to die Dream of seeing anyone with eagle feathers in his hand, or of having such feathers, sign of death & mortality Dream of seeing a house burning a sign of mortality in the family. Dream of seeing any going down a stream of high water sigh the person would die. Dream of hearing any family on unclear singing & dancing they were sure to die.

If some one of a family was sick, and some other member dreamed of wines? a stream low or dried up, the person was to get well, but if the stream was

rising & full that person, or some other was to be very sick. Dream of ones being married, a sign of sickness Dream of hunters having bread sign of killing deer also of peaches or any kind of fruit the same, used to pray for such a dream Dream of seeing a woman, sign of the fever & aque. Dream of gun lock broke sign of killing nothing the winter. Dream of seeing water come up round a house sign of sickness but if it fell away without coming int the house none would die, but if it came into the house some would die. Dream of clothes being on fire sigh of sickness. Dream of seeing a person with very? clean clothes a sign of death - Dream of fence burning down a sign of death. Dream of seeing an eagle or crane flying low or on the ground someone soon to die.

(or hearing a whipperwill in the day time they ?ground? it was a witch.)
 When a person is sick and dreams of any kin? it is a sign that snake had caused  their sickness by witchcraft &c.