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55 Signs. v On strikeout: starting commencing a journey should one start a fox, and should the fox after running a few steps look back and bark, that would be a sign that some one of his family or neighbours would die before his return or soon after. Suppose one started a wolf instead of a fox and the wolf looked back, and barked, the sign was the same. On commencing a journey should one see a snake called U ka te ni, it was a sure sign of death in the family before his return. On starting a journey should one see a little Naye ye hi (these lived in bluffs) some in the family were to die soon. Should he see one of the large kind of Naye ye hi's (who live in mountains), the sign was the same. While absent from home, should see something larger than common for its kind, some of his family were to die soon. On travelling, suppose a little bird called Tri ki li li, flies over singing, going the same direction the man is travelling, he is soon to meet a stranger. Or should one of these birds light low, or sing about a house, some visitor is soon to come. Should one see two squirrels on a tree fighting & should they fall off, so as to die by the fall, some of his own near relations were soon to die. Should one hear wailing, link mourning for the dead, some of his friends were soon to die. Should one see the apparition or appearance of a friend, and it should soon vanish, that friend was soon to die. Should a hen crow some one in the family was soon to die. Should a dog myraculously talk like a person, this was a sign of some very awful catastrophe. So also if a homany pestle should move about the house when no one touched, it would be a sign that all in the house were soon to die. A screach owl making some uncommon noise was a sign of death. Should a tree fall without wind, the top towards the house, some in the house were soon to die. Should one hear a bird, one of the Tso wi sku, (yewarces singing very fast and loud, Tru wi, tru wi, &c. he might know the enemy was just about the town. Should an owl light on peach, or other trees in the town & sing, it foretold the approach of the enemy in a few days. When warriors were out on a war expedition, if the people at home heart the Na ye hi sounding the war