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42 not to live long. The meat would pop, and some little piece would fly towards him. But if the meat flew in any other direction, the omen was good. After this the boy might see a woman, and eat common, though clean food. It is said that persons initiated as above into sacred offices, could see as well in the night as in the day, had proven to kill witches &c. &c. The great warrior, Aska yu sta eya, -- the great speaker Ska. li la ski, and the standard bearer were thus prepared, as were also the war priest and the physician, (perhaps man in the army - (Enquire.) The Uku, also, and all the civil priests who used the tru lu sa ta. But among civil priests we do not include all such as officiated merely in hunting feasts, or in finding things lost.+

Some parents educated their sons to a hunters life, but the ceremonies in this case,  I have not learned.  But when young men dedicated themselves to the life of a hunter, they made this purpose known to a priest whose business it was to train up young men for hunting.  On the first appearance of the strikeout: great moon in September, the priest new moon in March, the priest gave his pupil to drink, and to wash himself with a kind of purifying drink.  This strikeout: purged him operated as an emetic. He then oriented? him to a river, where he plunged seven times, & probably put on clean clothes.  He was then ordered to hunt, & on killing a buck, & to took the tongue as usual, which the priest offered in sacrifice for him. 
The same ceremonies were gone through at the first appearance of the new moon in September.  Thus for four years such young men were under the care of the priest for hunting, and during this time they must have no intercourse with women.   At the end of the four years, the priest prepared a place for sweating his pupils, by bending sticks, & putting both ends in the ground, and covering them with skins or blankets, making the tent so as to resemble an umbrella, spread & set on the ground. This was called osi, the same name or a hot house.  This being on the bank of a river, when his pupils were in a profuse sweat, he ordered them to plunge immediately into the river. They must plunge entirely seven times.  After this they might marry.   Whether thus prepared for hunting, or not, yet at the commencement, and termination of every hunting expedition, the hunters generally went through the same ceremonies.  The hunters feast was in September, when the buck flies first made their appearance.  As many hunters as designd (next page)