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16 Once in the land given them, they fasted seven days to obtain help of god against their enemies. They went to the foot of a mountain, which was mostly of rocks. The first two days they ascended gradually up the mountain. They would see no person, but could hear a voice speaking to them. The third day, they ascended a little higher: and the voice was heard distinctly telling them that the speaker was not god, but was sent to tell them that if they would obey God they should conquer their enemies. On the fourth day they ascended still higher , and the voice continued to exhort & encourage them. On the fifth they ascended still higher, and were told that if they would obey God, He would grant whatever they requested. On the sixth day the ascended higher still, and were encouraged by the same voice. On the seventh day they went to the top of the mountain, heard a rushing noise above them, and saw a strange people. But then one of the men sinned by talking by talking & thinking about women. His own passions reproved him. But on a sudden a noise like a heavy clap of thunder was heard in the mountain. None could see any thing but their leader. He could see and talk with the person