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13 At one time most poisonous snakes came among them, and many died of the bite. citation: Nutsawi, T Smith.

Again they were troubled for water, and dug with their staves in all the low places about them, but could find none.  At length water was found, but cannot tell how -- citation: Nutsawi.  
Once they were in great distress for water, but their leader found a very beautiful spring flowing out of a rock.  citation: Thomas Smith.  
Once a number of them were walking along single file, and all at once the ground cracked under them and they went down.  citation: Nutsawi 
One time the ground cracked open, and a number of people fell in, and then the ground came together, and shut them down.  citation:  Thomas Smith Not far from the time of their passing through the wilderness their leader told the sun to stand still, and it obeyed him.  They were pursuing or fighting their enemies. Some old men think they can still lengthen the day.  At another time God sent a storm of hail to destroy their enemies.  The hail stones were as large as a homany mortar, and destroyed every thing in this way.  It is also supposed that some of the old men have since been able to bring storms to their assistance, in war. -- citation:  Thomas Smith.  

Anciently their warriors were under very strict rules: and one by disobeying, & committing sin, caused to God to leave them, so that they could not destroy their enemies. This man however was condemned to die. -- citation: Thomas Smith.

The Indians have had two great kings: The greatest however, was before the flood. Their second great king lived after their journey through the wilderness: He was also a preacher and taught them many things. -- citation: Nutsawi. Holy fire was handed down , from God, to them when they were in the wilderness, passing through to the land given them; and though they came to this continent, yet they afterwards obtained it, and kept it until almost one hundred years ago. It was there in the council house at Tugula, In a war with the whites, Their council house was destroyed, and some of the people suppose the holy fire was extinguished, but others think it is still burning in the ground where it was. citation: Nutsawi. Pinelog