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4 for sacrifice was Black jack and Sycamore. This wood, however, must be free from worms and rot. Beside preaching and offering sacrifice, the priests before the flood also foretold future events. They warned the people of the approaching flood, in case of their continued disobedience, but told them the world would not be destroyed by water but once; it would next be consumed by fire. The priest was called Uku wi is hi citation: Nutsawi (Pinelog.

Before the flood people lived a long time. citation: (Nettle) A great while ago people lived to be three or four hundred years old.  citation: T. Smith.  The world became full of people who were very wicked. They disregarded all good instruction, and would not listen to anything good that was said to them. At length a certain dog told his master to make a vessel, and take in his family and provision and seed to sow because God was about to bring a flood to destroy all the people for their wickedness. The dog also told his master to pray to God at day break with his face toward, and as he prayed, lift his hand (with the palm down) as high as his head, and then put his head to the ground. In the same manner also at night, only then he might pray in his house, without regard to the position of his face. The old man supposed that all kinds of animals went into the vessel also. The master strikeout: havin obeyed the directions given him, and having shut the doors, the rain commenced and continued forty days and forty nights, while the water at the same time gushed out of the ground, so that as much water came up as fell down from the clouds. The wicked people could swim but little before they would sink & drown.  After some time the man in the ship sent out a raven to look for dry land, but he returned with out finding any. After waiting sometime more he sent out a turtle dove, which soon returned with a leaf in its mouth. The man then looked and saw a small piece of land toward which he moved the ship, and soon found it resting on the top of a high mountain.  
The land becoming dry, and it being the proper time of year for agriculture, the man soon commenced preparing the ground for a crop. This family were red people and continued still to love God, as they did before the flood, and soon multiplied! This man was a prophet, ie. A ta we hi yu, one who knew things past and to come.  citation: Nutsawi (Pinelog)