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Remain Your affectionate Friend Wm McIntosh. "John Ross. Ask answer return. N.B. the whole amount is $12,000. you can divide among your friends -- exclusive $7000 -- x A dead silence ensued. The Council appeared thunderstruck, and no one more so than the venerable Path Killer. Faltering and agitated he arose, and addressed the assembly. He expressed his astonishment. His deep grief. He mourned that he had been mistaken in one he valued as an honest Chief.. He mourned still more that he had been mistaken in strikeout: a man one he had till that moment confided in as a Devoted Brother. But all affection must expire before such a breach of trust. He referred the course to be adopted to the General Council, only reminding them that Treachery must never be overlooked. strikeout: 2 lines most x This copy is verbatim from the original.