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of the interview was laid before them. It was resolved that the Committee & Council should be instantly convened, strikeout: 3 words to meet in General Council, on special & important business. A request was sent to General McIntosh that he would meet the Committee & Council in General Council. Intense interest was excited by this mysterious sudden notice. The members of the General Council were all anxiety & excitement. McIntosh was received with great deference, but he seemed restless & uneasy; a sort of pre-sentiment appeared to possess him that all was not as he would wish it were. The aged chief of the Council, then strikeout: alm over seventy, -- tall, dignified, and rendered the more interesting by the dash of feebleness from strikeout severe rheumatism, had an expression of deep thought in his gravity, which made McIntosh cower before his piercing eye. Mr Ross arose, and addressed the assembly as follows: "My friends, Five years have elapsed since I have been called to preside over the National Committee, and your approbation of my conduct in the discharge of my official duties is manifested