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the place appointed. After we are settled there, can the President protect us in strikeout our rights? No. But we perceive & we know that if we change our homes our strikeout situation will not be good. We are well aware that when we strikeout were in the hunter's state, we strikeout: 2 words had much suffering. We knew not then how to labour for our comfort. The remembrance of our suffering makes us wish to avoid falling back into the habits which caused us to suffer. We are now capable of setting a strikeout high value upon even the small advances we have made. We strikeout: 3 words would fain add to those advances. We would increase and not diminish our enjoyments; and we would do that which is just & right. The new sources of strikeout: 9 words happiness with which our country has been endeared was to us through our enlighteners, strikeout attaches us still more to the spot where we have been born & raised, and we cannot bear to give it up. But if the people of the United States should value their strength more than their any other strikeout consideration, and hence deprive the Cherokees of their country, then would the Cherokees be reduced to great suffering; strikeout: 2 words not one of them would then be thought respectable. Therefore