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animals. You must cultivate large fields & use the plough for this cultivation. You lands are well adapted to the growth of grain; and this land is your own. You must have all the arts & sciences. You will then know the benefits of changing your system of life." -- This is the talk of the great, good, President. We are now in the full pursuit of the advice which he gave us. We will to this day feel thankful to him for so far enlightening the Cherokees as to enable them to improve. It was through that that the Cherokees actually did improve. But there are some white men who are intermeddling, to obstruct with difficulties strikeout: their our continuance in the career of this improvement, jealous that the Cherokees may become respected and wishing to prevent the eminence which by means of this improvement they were about obtaining. The present President of the United States now gives us the following talk: "If you will go to the setting sun, there you will be happy; there you can remain in peace & quietness, and so long as the waters run & the oaks grow, that country shall be guaranteed to you, and no white man shall be permitted to settle near you." -- Suppose we settle in the place