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Ross dodged by tilting his chair & it struck the wall & broke in two. As Mr Ross strikeout tilted back the chair, it slipped & he fell with his head against the wall, but his eye rivetted on Walker, -- who changed the knife from his left hand to his right & pressed onward, furiously, stabbing down strikeout ward and wounding the left arm of Mr Ross. Judge Martin darted upon Walker, drew him back as he was attempting to sdtab a second time, and to strikeout stamp upon his prostrate victim: but Mr Ross was instantly upon he feet, his dirk unsheathed; and his brother & Mr Brown, strikeout having sprung from their beds, ready to defend him. strikeout: several words They strikeout: 4 words persuaded Mr Ross to go to the room of Mr Hicks, strikeout seeing that Walker was securely held by Judge Martin, he strikeout: put up sheathed his dirk & complied. Not until after strikeout: 1 line entering Mr Hicks' room did Mr Ross discover from the heat of the flowing strikeout blood that he was wounded. He soon returned to his own room, and found that Walker had withdrawn. They met strikeout the next day at Baltimore, but no observation was made on either side; and no remarks were offered by friends, so the affair hid away. Walker often met Mr Ross, and always as if nothing had happened. But from that