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off -- strikeout Its only fifteen dollars -- I've got your note here -- "Note on me? -- "Yes, you remember -- only a small note -- "Ugh! Note? -- " replied Walker, pondering -- "Well -- just let 'em stay note." Walker was indicted for stabbing the Sheriff of McMinn County; was tried, found guilty and impressively addressed by the Judge, who sentenced him to a fine of fifty dollars and an imprisonment of three months. While the strikeout: several words Judge was passing the sentence, Walker's eyes were earnestly fixed upon him, and the instant he got strikeout: 5 words out the terms of it, exclaimed "strikeout Not so -- A' go to law wi' you about that --" And to law he did go; and appealed to the Supreme Court, strikeout where Judge Heywood set aside the sentence, observing: "I understand the case and all its bearings. I've always doubted whether civilization has been an advantage or a disadvantage to mankind; but events like this go far towards settling my opinion. -- Our whites are always extremely anxious to civilize the Indians and