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And should you please to alter the place so as to meet at either of strikeout the places mentioned (Red Clay or the Agency) and let me know the time (say two or three weeks hence) I will take occasion to request the general attendance of the people. I am. Sir, your obedient servant &c. Mr Schermerhorn's reply. Cherokee Agency July 7. 1835. Sir, I have just received your note, enclosing a letter from Major B.F. Currey, Agent, which according to your request I have delivered to him. In reply he stated to me he could not, at present, give any other answer, than that delivered to you by Lieut: Bateman. I must, however, with frankness & candour, say to you I do not believe he will alter the time & place of meeting. I hope, however, this will not prevent you from convening your principal men, at such time & place as you think best, to give me the opportunity of an interview with them, for the purpose mentioned in our personal interview. Whit just respect, Your obedient servant, J.F. Schermerhorn, Commissioner to Treat with the Cherokees. To Jno Ross Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation Major Currey's Reply. Cherokee Agency East, July 9. 1835. Mr John Ross, Sir, Your note through Mr Schermerhorn has been received & duly considered. A general notice has been served on the Cherokees already, of the time & place of holding and election for disposing of the present year's annuity. -- Should the people not attend, it is hoped no blame can properly be imputed to me. The site selected is the most convenient and as nearly central as could be fixed upon. It would afford me pleasure to meet all the Cherokees on the occasion, in brotherly friendship & confidence. Very respectfully Your most obedient servant, Ben F. Currey. Acting Indian Agent.