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the assembly, by a voluntary & spontaneous strike out movement among the people on the ground, a strikeout paper was drawn up, protecting against any strikeout disposition of the annuity money, excepting the one agreed upon strikeout in the last resolution upon the subject. The following are the words of this document: "Red Clay, May 12, 1835. "Whereas it has been made known to the undersigned, citizens of the Cherokee nation east of the Mississippi; that Benjamin F. Currey, "Indian Agent," &c., has issued a notification stating that a "council has been called to meet at Ridges, near the head of Coosa, on the first Monday in strikeout: of this month, at which place the nation is requested to assemble, as the annuity will be paid out in the manner and to the persons designated by a majority of the voters attending," be it therefore known to all whom it may concern, that we, the undersigned, do protest against this proceeding as well as against any change being made as to the person and manner of paying the annuities due to the nation, which was fixed upon by the vote of the Cherokee people, who assembled for that purpose, at the Cherokee agency, on the first day of October last."