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Principal Chief in his message before quoted "all of which with the exception of but one dissenting vote, directed that the money should be paid over to the National Treasurer." This drunken emigrant, who though he had no right to any vote, dared vote in the negative and he was an unconnected man, with no family, no ties, no character; and yet his vote was taken! Of the rest of the assembly, the Principal Chief remained in the Wise quoted massage, "It was truly gratifying and highly creditable to the character of the people and the nation, to witness the orderly deportment of those who attended on this occasion, and also the sobriety with which all classes distinguished themselves. It was reasonable to have supposed that the money could have been paid over by the Agent immediately after the source of the people at this meeting had been ascertained. But not so. The money was not there." -- "For five years" he adds, "has their public money been unjustly withheld from the nation; and now, after an act of congress sanctioned by the president having been passed, requiring that it should be paid to the