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the decision of the Supreme Court, upon the constitutionality of the State laws. After his trial & condemnation, by the Superior Court for Hall County, a writ or error was issued by the Supreme Court of the United States, and a citation was served upon Governor Gilmer, in the 22nd of December, 1830, requiring the State of Georgia, to appear before the Supreme Court, at Washington, on the second Monday of January, to show cause why the judgement in that case should not be reversed. As the question in this cause was simply concerning the validity of the treaties of the United States & the Cherokee tribe, it was obviously within the jurisdiction of the Federal Judiciary, which by the 2nd section of the third article of the Constitution, is declared to extend 'to all cases in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States and treaties strikeout: which was made or which shall be made under their authority.' "Governor Gilmer, however, regarding it as an usurpation of authority, immediately transmitted the citation to the legislature, with a message exhorting that body to take measures to resist any interference on the part of the Federal Judiciary.