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he discussed that the Georgia Guard were at that moment in the house. The Fox went back to his cabin. At daylight next morning he heard the report of guns across the river. He went over. He found that the Georgia Guard had been there and had killed the Swimmer & the Duck. These are the particulars of their destruction: When the Swimmer recovered from his severe wound, which had been carefully tended by the women, he and the Duck determined to hunt in the mountain forest. They had taken their provision budget across the river, and were snugly ensconced in a deep hollow between high hills. The women persuaded them to delay one day longer in their retreat. If they would delay, the women promised them a strikeout: parting farewell feast of chestnut bread, cakes made strikeout: with of chestnuts, baked entire with meal. They were prevailed on; and, in the meanwhile, Jesse Half Breed made out their hiding place. He bought Stand Watie thither With the Guard, at daybreak. When their pursuers burst upon them, the Swimmer was