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Path Killer died on the 8th of January, 1827; strikeout at between eighty and ninety years of age; and Charles R. Hicks, as second in authority necessarily succeeded to his place of Principal Chief, until strikeout another choice by the people; but twelve days afterwards, being the 20th of January 1827, Charles R. Hicks died also, at the age of seventy. strikeout The government then devolved upon John Ross, as President of the Committee, and Major Ridge, as Speaker of the Council, until strikeout the regular assembly of the Council in the following fall. At that council, out of respect for the memory of his lamented brother, William Hicks was strikeout appointed to serve as Principal Chief for the remainder of the term unfulfilled for strikeout which the deceased Path-Killer had been chosen. That term would be accomplished strikeout at the following fall Council, when the strikeout Constitution required a new election. But William Hicks soon forfeited the confidence of the people. He was supposed to have allowed himself to be tampered