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Mr George Gist, My friend Head of Coosa, Cherokee Nation, January 12, 1832 The Legislative Council of the Cherokee Nation in the year 1824 voted a medal to be presented to you, as a token of respect & admiration for your ingenuity in the invention of the Cherokee Alphabetical Characters; and in pursuance thereof, the two late venerable chiefs, Path Killer & Charles R Hicks, instructed a delegation of this nation, composed of Mssrs George Lowry, Senior, Elijah Hicks & myself, to have one struck, which was compleated in 1825. In the anticipation of your visit to this country, it was reserved for the purpose of honoring you with its presentment by the Chiefs in General Council; but having been so long disappointed in this pleasing hope, I have thought it my duty no longer to delay, and therefore take upon myself the pleasure of delivering it, through our friend Mr Charles strikeout H. Vann who intends visiting his relatives in the country where you dwell. In receiving this small tribute from the representatives of the people of your native land, in honor of your transcendant invention,