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Instructions recd from Mr. Ross for always having corn words scratched out in a fresh condition, as if newly plucked.

      The corn, (flint corn in preference) to be plucked when soft & ready for word scratched out roasting ears. The outer husks to be taken off, and the ears to be boiled thoroughly The inner husks, after this, are to be drawn back so as to enable it to be tied up in bunches.
      Under a scaffolding raised on poles, it is then to be suspended over a slow fire, till it becomes perfectly dry and rather scorched. It may be some days in undergoing this preparation. When thoroughly dry, it must be removed, and hung up in a dry place so as not to mould.
      When wanted for use, the grains must be shelled & boiled over again. At first it will be found shrunken and as hard as stone; but cooking will bring it out fresh & soft.