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"Sheriff! shouted the Judge, petulantly- "Sire" shoutred the long gentleman- "Proclaim the Court" responded the Judge- The long gentleman in a great flurry ran to the door of the small log court + vociferated- "Hurra! Hurra! Hurra! Courts open!" Clerk, said the Judge, what does that fellow call himself? The Sheriff, your honor. He a Sheriff + come into court with his hat on? Fine that man fifty cents for coming into court with his hat on. "What's that you say?" asked the Sheriff, sharply. "I fine you fifty centers for wearing your hat in Court. If you're a Sheriff you ought to set a better example. Hereupon the Sherrif drew out a silver dollar- "Judge", said he, "can you change a dollar? "Clerk, fine him fifty centers more for hs impertinence" exclaimed the Judge, and turning to the Sheriff, added