From Newberry Transcribe
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1820 - Oct 31. Two Hundred Gallons of whiskey seized by unclear - by Lawrence unclear 1825 - June 15. Articles limiting power of Chiefs - p.4h - & Securing independence of Judges - Regulators dispensed with, 51. 1826. Nov 13. Resolution authorising convention Nov 20. " for printing office. unclear 1827. Convention met July 4. Court adopted 26th July. Mar 19. Minute unclear of transfer of public money 11; 12. 45 1/2

In earlier times, no disputes about property & therefore no regulations required - All personal property buried with the possesser - even horses, arms, ornaments & thus all disputes were avoided - As commerce arose, the Laws arose for its regulation.-

Murder under any circumstances must be punished by the nearest relation with death - The clan might forgive, but no individual; & the privilege was only sought under very peculiar circumstances & very, very seldom. If the murderer could bring in an enemy's scalp before he could unclear taken punishment, that was seed? as full atonement -unclear, in time of war, he might give a prisoner