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16 Constitution was planned. In July a convention was called to settle this constitution: 3 from each district. They met & adopted it & met under it the following autumn. The Mr Ross chosen Principal Chief. 1808 - Regulators - Executive power with Council. Black Fox principal Chief. 1815 - Committee - regulators continuing, but subordinate - committee deciding claims - adjusting differences of every kind on pecunary matters - as well as others - but more particularly to settle claims - Executive Council - 1817 - May 6 - Standing committee appointed by Council for Two Years - council over them - National committee - Choice made by Chiefs 1820 - The Council & National Committee determine to district off the nation for the purpose of forming district courts previous to which time they themselves had acted as Judiciary - Regulators still exercising power over horse? thieves & - Rip in page as full atonement - in time